Veg Head of the Month: India


Our bright and bubbly India is a radiant and highly valued member of our front of house team, and we are so lucky to have her. Indi is just as kind and as warm to her friends as she is to the planet and our wonderful animal companions. You will never see her without a smile; she is quite simply our little ray of sunshine! Get to know a bit more about India below:

Q. What does mindful eating mean to you?

A. Listening to my body and being conscious of what I put in. Nourishing my body with what’s good for the plant and my health and what makes me feel good!

Q. What inspires you most in life?

A. So many things, but probably the desire to be better than I was yesterday.

Q. How would your perfect day be spent?

A. At the beach! In the sun, eating fresh fruit and swimming in the waves.

Q. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Move your body once a day.

Q. All time favourite quote?

A.”If you have happy thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely” - Roald Dahl

Q. What’s the best health advice you’ve ever been given and would pass on to others?

A.Everything is about balance and consistency.

Q. What’s your favourite easy, go-to snack?


Q. What’s the number one biggest change you wish to see in the world?

A.Everyone being kinder to our beautiful planet.

Q. What’s your best tip for incorporating more veggies into your diet?

A.Learn how to make tasty veg curries and smoothies

Q. And finally, how has working at Veg Bar changed or altered your view on plant-based eating?

A.Plant-based isn’t boring! It is sos tasty and there is literally a plant alternative to everything!

Veg Bar